Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F is for Faerie Garden!

And a fabulous F day to you and yours!  Tis the time to once again work on my faerie garden.  I started it last year and the best of intentions, but I tend to be stubbornly simple and basic and adamantly non-consumerist (is that a word?) when it comes to stuff like my garden, my flowers, my home projects.......oh let's face it, everything.  i'm tend to be one of the true crunchies.  I prefer to make do or re-use and i will avoid buying anything if at all possible.  I also don't spend a ton of money to make it look like I don't, no organic (that's a gimmick), ect.  Wait, where was i going.....oh yeah,the faerie garden.  So, last year, we looked at the set-ups they had at nurseries, but i'm not spending that kind of money on my inner 12-year old, considering, my inner 12-year actually spent a great deal of time in her grandfather's garage using up whatever scraps of materials i could find, so, anyway (i promise i'll get there) last year the boys and i built houses out of real sticks we found in the backyard and Popsicle sticks.  they looked cool.  i had great plants that added that special touch, but guess what?  I live where there is this nasty thing called a winter.....snow, ice, rain, wind.....so, needless to say, in cleaning up the flower garden this year, i picked up a bunch of Popsicle sticks and twigs, totally demolished.  This year i'm looking for different strategies.  Any thoughts? maybe I could find a birdhouse at a thrift store and build on it.....hmmmmm.

Last year's houses:


  1. Very creative. I think it's a wonderful idea to repurpose scraps and anything that might otherwise end up in the trash.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  2. That is the cutest thing ever! I LOVE it. I want to build one in my garden.

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  3. I love the idea of a fairy garden! Your popsicle houses are way cool. I talk to the fairies all the time and know they are blessing my flower beds but I've never thought of making them a house!
    Happy A-Zing...
    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. So pretty! And what a lovely idea :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary
