Sunday, April 8, 2012

G is for Graveyard

So, today, on Easter, everyone in the house took a nap except for my Mom, oldest boy and myself.  So, we went for a walk.......went up the street, found a random path going into a wooded area and found ourselves looking at a small graveyard.  My mom said she knew it had to be in that general area and that she remembered some kind of hoopla going on about it 3 years ago.  We think it was actually a slave graveyard that was found when they opened up the land for construction.  I must say, it has been nicely preserved and marked and is well cared for.  Very interesting looking around.  My son was really excited by rocks with letters on them.  He didn't really understand what we were looking at, but he though they were cool anyway.

Since I'm posting on Easter, i might as well fill you in on the rest of the interesting bits of the weekend....Went to a housewarming party yesterday for some friends from church.  Gorgeous!  Someday, i hope to have it together enough (and the talent) to also plan out every room with precise color schemes and details.  It was really fabulous!  My current house is very much a work in progress.....kind of just an expanded form of our townhouse before and the apartment before that.  Seems like we have always moved while i was pregnant and just getting things in and unpacked and put away in a semi-orderly fashion is enough.  I have put a little effort into a few you could see from the bathroom.....but nothing like my friend's!  So jealous!

To top off the weekend, Easter dinner was great and my sister made me so proud!!  She has recently been doing a lot more crafting and she branched into the food arena!  Below are some pictures of what she shared with us today!  Adorable! (oh, and I also made a bunny cake, not as impressive as my sister's bit, though.  A pic is at the bottom.)

Those are white chocolate chicks and bunnies and 'carrot' strawberries!  Too cute!


  1. That really is such a cute cake~ love the little bunny pretzels a bit more though.

    I love doing food garnishing and I buy lots of cake books,but never bake any of them.I just like looking at the pictures of all the creative designs.

  2. That graveyard sure is an interesting find. I wonder what its history is.

    Great A-Z post!
