Saturday, April 20, 2013

R is for Rockets

This afternoon, for no reason at all, the hubby and the boys started trying to figure out how to build a rocket launcher.  Yep, that's my guys.  They presented the budget, minuscule, so they received approved from the board of mom and they were off!  I actually spent the better part of 15 minutes while the brownies were in the oven taking video of their efforts.  Hopefully, I can get it on here.  Yes, it's sideways.  I have a new camera.......I'm not that great at taking video, so the concept of keeping the camera right way up for a video is lost on me.  Oh well.  


  1. lol the sideways video cracked me up-- but full marks to the boys for their enthusiasm, and to you parents, for encouraging it.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

    1. it's hard to keep up with the sometimes and we have no choice! Thank you for the marks, though! :)

  2. Cool dad. lol @ board of mom. I'll have to use that one.

    Chontali Kirk

    1. :) Occasionally Dad is a member-at-large, unless he gets over-ruled. :)

  3. Glad the video wasn't any longer or I would have ended up with a crick in my neck.

    Happy to see we got you closer to 50 followers. You'll get there.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
