Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Pregnant Gardener 2013: Whataya know?

So, who would have guessed it?  I am able to grow more than a kid this summer!  This year has definitely been slow.  I was slow to prep, slow to plant, slow to everything.  Never did get to the rest of the boxes that had overgrown with weeds AGAIN, but We do have pumpkins plants taking over (only a more favorable side of the yard this time), the great cucumber monster has risen from sleep, we have the great bean field, giant sunflowers, and squash (did see a squash bug, though, so we'll how long that lasts).  That's about it.  

We had a little run-in with some garden bandits.....yard people, that I had cancelled, randomly showed up, weed-eated the new-ish pumpkin vines that had found their way over the garden box, took out my husband's hopps plants, and then to top it off, cut up the tubing to out pool pump.  Yes, I tried to call and yell at them, I emailed them, I FB messaged them, AND I left a nasty note on the site where I found them, but, NO, I have not heard from them again.  At least I have never received a bill.  They better not even think about it.  Anyway, the pumpkins have repaired nicely, the hopps, sadly, are gone for this season, and my pack-rat of a hubby, had extra tubing.  So, back to normal, for the most part.  Luckily, we have found a yard crew that knows the difference between food plants and weeds.  You wouldn't think that would be hard to find, right?  Sheesh.

So, went out today, and the monsters of my yard are starting to produce baby monsters, just ripe for the picking!  I had a little help bringing in the first harvest.  Yay!  Hopefully, I can keep up a little better now that our weekends are starting to settle out some.

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