Another birthday in the books! J really loves the Percy Jackson books and we've read the second series too with the Roman demigods. The invites were based off of ones i saw online. (Once again, we had to keep it small. I can't wait to have full blow out parties again!) Simple printout and glue to short pieces of dowel rod. They were a little tricky to get in the envelopes, but we managed.
For decorations, we went simple, with white and I ordered some cardboard Roman Columns that we attached to the front of an easy up tent.
Activities included..
Getting claimed by your Godly parent. We made necklaces with the symbol of a Greek or Roman God or Goddess and put them in seal envelopes. Then the kids were asked to take the envelope that was calling to them. The necklaces were also used to collect beads for each training exercise they completed.

Zeus' training - air - paper airplane designing and throwing contest.

Area/Mars Training - War - we designed shields. The shields were pizza pans with metal slap bracelets riveted to them. Then they could use markers and stick-on gems to decorate them.
Hercules Training - Strength Challenges. Sit-ups, push-up, one-foot balancing, and then endurance balancing rocks on their outstretched arms.

For the contests, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place won pieces of armor (slap bracelets).
The food was pre-bagged chips, fruit snacks, and apple slices.
J doesn't like cake, so we had pudding cups.
All in all, a decent time. 1.5 hours, done!